Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Little Peek | Jackson, MI Boudoir Photographer

The other day I had the pleasure of shooting a super fun boudoir session with Catherine. She has modeled for me before and she's so much fun! I'm still working on getting her session edited, but since it's been quiet around here lately (and because Catherine is dying to see some ;) ) I figured I would share a little sneak tonight. :)

There are so many images I haven't even looked at yet! More to come guys, so stay tuned! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Take a moment to celebrate the beauty that is you. | Jackson, MI Boudoir Photographer

   I know you've all been patiently waiting for the next boudoir model. This session was a blast. I was so excited when she contacted me willing to be a model, and she is due next month! Isn't that crazy? She looks so fantastic! I love maternity photos, of all kinds. I don't think people take enough time to appreciate the beauty of pregnancy. I know I didn't. I don't have ANY photos of my pregnancy with my first daughter. Not even snapshots.

  This Momma is amazingly beautiful. And she already has a just turned one year old little girl, and this little guy will be an amazing addition to their family.

This last set is my favorite. I love all three of these images so much! Her gorgeous skin tone, beautifully perfect belly, and again with those eyes!

Monday, February 18, 2013

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes." | Jackson, MI Boudoir Photographer

       I'm so excited to share this boudoir session with you. First of all let me say that this girl was beautiful. Beautiful in every sense of the word. She has the most amazing, and infectious smile. This session was so much fun and I haven't laughed so much during a session in a while! Her sister came with her, which was excellent. Bringing someone you're comfortable with is a good idea, it can help you to loosen up. Anyways, it felt like we were all old friends. With all that said.... Those Eyes!

     There are so many amazing images from this session, it was so hard to choose which ones to share with you all. These are literally just a few of the amazing images we captured. So much fun!

    And I'll leave you with one of my favorites. So beautiful!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why I think you need to book a boudoir session today! | Jackson, MI Boudoir Photographer

I think every woman should have a boudoir session. Yes, that's right, even you. Here's why...

What is Boudoir Photography?
A woman's bedroom or private room.

Boudoir photography is a wonderful way for a woman to show off her sensuality. The sessions will be different for every client. Your session will customized to show off your personality. 
Boudoir Has Changed
Today the sessions are much more tasteful and classy than in years past. The posing and lighting is much more flattering. And again, your session is catered to you. Don't think nudity and lingerie. There is so much more that can be done in today's boudoir sessions. I actually do not photograph full nudes. And your outfits for the session will be based on your comfort level. 
Who Should Do It?
Everyone! Really. I have a lot of brides and military wives that love to book these sessions as gifts for their loved ones. However, the majority of my boudoir clients consist of everyday women. Mothers, wives, and single ladies alike. Though you may think you're doing this session for someone else, you will soon realize this session was for YOU. Nothing can revitalize a woman's self image like amazing portraits of you looking your best. 
Body Image
Listen, I'm a woman. I know that every woman, no matter her body type, has parts of her body she loves, and parts of her body she doesn't love quite so much. It's my job as your photographer to help you emphasize everything you love, and minimize everything you don't. 
Whether you are a size 2 or 20 does not matter. Every woman is beautiful and deserves to capture that beauty. 
Every one of my clients has a model release they sign at the beginning of their session. On that form you will decide whether you want to allow me to post your images, or if you want to keep them completely private. You always have that choice, and I would never show off a client's images without their permission.
Okay, there you have it. So are you ready? Email me now to book your session!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Just a sneak peek post. | Jackson, MI Boudoir Photographer

Just wanted to post a couple of photos from recent sessions. Teasers if you will! More to come soon!

This one was an amazing boudoir maternity shoot. I think every mother should do these! Such a beautiful way to celebrate your pregnancy!

 And look at this beautiful lady! This session was so much fun, we were laughing and having a good time through the whole thing. Isn't she gorgeous?

Welcome! | Jackson, MI Boudoir Photographer

Welcome friends!

   This blog will be the new home for all of my boudoir work. I'm so excited to share some of it with all of you. I have been doing boudoir photography for a long time. I've done over 30 sessions, and loved every one of them. However, up until this point my clients have preferred me to keep their images (understandably) private. And of course, I have respected their wishes. I think now that boudoir photography has become more mainstream and people are seeing that it can be very tastefully done, I'm finally finding more and more people willing to allow me to share their images. My main website however is mostly newborns and families, so I wanted a place to share these images with the people who wanted to see them. And, this blog was born.  I'm working on 2 sessions now and I cannot wait to share them with you. So, welcome to the new blog and I hope you stick around a while! ;)
