Sunday, February 10, 2013

Welcome! | Jackson, MI Boudoir Photographer

Welcome friends!

   This blog will be the new home for all of my boudoir work. I'm so excited to share some of it with all of you. I have been doing boudoir photography for a long time. I've done over 30 sessions, and loved every one of them. However, up until this point my clients have preferred me to keep their images (understandably) private. And of course, I have respected their wishes. I think now that boudoir photography has become more mainstream and people are seeing that it can be very tastefully done, I'm finally finding more and more people willing to allow me to share their images. My main website however is mostly newborns and families, so I wanted a place to share these images with the people who wanted to see them. And, this blog was born.  I'm working on 2 sessions now and I cannot wait to share them with you. So, welcome to the new blog and I hope you stick around a while! ;)


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