Monday, February 18, 2013

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes." | Jackson, MI Boudoir Photographer

       I'm so excited to share this boudoir session with you. First of all let me say that this girl was beautiful. Beautiful in every sense of the word. She has the most amazing, and infectious smile. This session was so much fun and I haven't laughed so much during a session in a while! Her sister came with her, which was excellent. Bringing someone you're comfortable with is a good idea, it can help you to loosen up. Anyways, it felt like we were all old friends. With all that said.... Those Eyes!

     There are so many amazing images from this session, it was so hard to choose which ones to share with you all. These are literally just a few of the amazing images we captured. So much fun!

    And I'll leave you with one of my favorites. So beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Jen! These photos are absolutely gorgeous! Your model is stunning, and I love the setup! :)

    Can't wait to see more of them! :)

